I am very good at decoding my daughter's language; probably better than anyone. When she said "Aye, aye Captain" to me sarcastically after I asked her for the fourth time to clean up her mess of beads and pipe cleaners, I wasn't too surprised. When she announced that she dreamt of "sitting on the lawn with a ghost and eating sweet juicy paw-paws", I found it sweet. But occasionally she will say something that hard as I try, I cannot understand the origin or meaning.
I should mention that many of these phrases are actually incorporated into more elaborate songs during her nightly "shows." Her statements/songs range from unexpected and curious to downright bizarre.
In the unexpected category we have:
I'm going to law school.
I am very annoyed.
With your nail polish on, you can't touch anything.
He's pooping on stage 'cause he had too many carrots.
In the bizarre category:
It's the new naked.
Let's do combo fighting.
Horrify with me.
It's impossible to be in chuck.
Your guesses are as good as mine.